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Weimar - Germany, 2020 


A collaboration with Edoardo Tedde

Series of Video-performances

7-9 minutes



The nature of user-generated contents created during the Covid-19 times appears to be an evolution of those shared in the pre-pandemic era: users share all sorts of strategies to help themselves and other coping with the anxiety, fears and boredom caused by the pandemic, and specifically by the social isolation. In this context we intervened with a series of videos that go beyond the above described categories. 

Overcoming the need for entertainment and consolation, we dug into the exacerbation of human relationships caused by forced physical and psychical closeness, showing the repetitiveness of interaction patterns, the unavoidable interference into each other ways of perceiving and acting with themselves and their surroundings, the clash between contrasting point of views. Stripping the category of user-generated contents of its entertaining surface, we showed the core of those human relationships that sharing platforms allow us to get distracted from.

In their repetitiveness, small gestures become iconic to describe attempts to state own existence, claim attention, support a perspective, play a power game. 

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